Counseling Services You Can Rely On.
Sign up here with Acuity for our One on One Counseling Services. Please call for more information
214-278-4446 or email arisecenter3@gmail.com

What services do we offer?
BIPP-Orientation/ Intake
Dallas Office
Houston Office
Separate Men and Women Classes
Monthly reports are sent out every month. For further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!
DWI- Repeat Offenders Program /DWI Education
The Texas DWI Education Program for first offenders is a four-hour class over the course of three days.
DWI Repeat Offenders Program Class sign up – Repeat Offenders Program is 36 hours 2 days a week for 3 hours at 5.5 weeks.
Anger Management
The purpose of this class is to teach individuals cognitive-behavioral and problem-solving skills designed with the goal of helping clients manage their anger and respond to problematic situations more effectively. Requires a minimum of 12 group hours no more than 1 group hour per week.
Parenting class
Parenting Classes are educational courses that teach parents general parenting skills and help them develop and maintain positive relationships with their children.
Anti-Theft Class
The purpose of this class is to deter theft behavior and shoplifting. Misdemeanor courts require 4 hours of instruction, and Felony courts require 8 hours of instruction.
Marijuana Intervention
The purpose of the class is to provide low-risk clients with information and motivation to quit using marijuana. The class is not for high-risk clients with a diagnosed drug dependency.
requires a minimum of 12 classroom hours.
What our customers are saying
We Love Arise Counseling Center.
This center has been the most professional but yet so down to earth and effective!