Dallas Texas: Genesis Women's Shelter exists to give women and children in abusive situations a path to lead an independent and safe life. Available 24/7 214-946-HELP (4357)
Houston Texas: Star of Hope is a Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children. Positive life-changes are encouraged through structured programs which focus on spiritual growth, education, employment, life-management and recovery from substance abuse : 713-222-2220
Men who suffer from domestic abuse by women: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/help-for-men-who-are-being-abused.htm
File a grievance or complaint
18383 Preston Rd, #202
Dallas, TX 75252 or email
Shandra Davis
To find a AA group, visit: https://www.aa.org/
Dallas police non-emergency number: 214-670-4413
Houston police non-emergency number: 713-884-3131
To report the abuse of a child or elderly: 1-800-252-5400
Salvation Army: 1-800-728-7825
Red Cross: 1-800-733-2767
Inpatient Treatment for Addiction
Find a Attorney:
To verify a BIPP facility full accreditation please click on this link

Dear Arise Counseling Center Clients,
Due to the COVID-19/coronavirus starting March 23, 2020, we will begin conducting a group via Zoom. This includes keeping up with accurate and up-to-date information. We strongly recommend checking Arise Counseling Center website regularly to stay in contact with any changes that may take place. Below is extensive internet and media information regarding online classes. We want to make sure that each client has all the tools needed, so that we may have a successful group each week. To help maintain confidentiality and keep good group Etiquette, we have created a toolkit that is hopefully helpful.
It includes the following information for our Virtual sessions:
Choosing to use online sessions should require:
* All clients Must have a good internet connection to qualify for online groups. All clients must have a smartphone, tablet, or computer to be eligible for online groups.
* The participants must have a good computer or smartphone to display their faces during the group session for the entire group duration.
* All participants must commit to participating in a private, quiet space so others could not observe and hear participants, breaking confidentiality.
* Participants must be in an upright sitting position in a chair, not walking around, not in a store, not driving, not laying in a bed, watching television, and not in a workplace. Please avoid all distractions while in a group.
* Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, such as Viper, is not allowed.
* All participants must still sign in to the group on time and attend the group to receive credit.
*All payments must be made before the group.
*100 percent participation is a must. We are still required to send monthly reports on each client's progress. ‘
If you break any zoom group rules, you will immediately be removed from the group and counted absent.